Who We Are

About Us

With an education, early intervention, and prevention philosophy at the forefront of our efforts, the FLUO Foundation seeks to ensure our youth have the inspiration and support they need to navigate life’s often daunting challenges.

We advocate for the holistic well-being of young individuals and believe a continuum mindset of mental health best takes into care their emotional, cultural, spiritual, and psychological differences and needs. As we shine a light in the darkest of places, we are driven to create immersive experiences that connect us, promote community, and decrease the stigma surrounding mental health.

As an independent and donor-funded nonprofit, The FLUO Foundation is transparent and committed to creating profound improvements in education, prevention, and support while investing in a community that enables therapeutic discovery.

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What We Do

Our Why

At the FLUO Foundation, we believe our overall well-being and the freedom to feel alive is a birthright of humanity. Our purpose is to elevate the experience of life for young individuals who are struggling to find their place in the world, to empower them, provide support, and inspire them to live a life full of meaning and purpose. 

The world can be very demoralizing for our youth, especially with one crisis, shooting, or pandemic after the next.  The impact of trauma and neglect is compounding a mental health crisis with such severity that the consequences are becoming quite literally, existential.  The WHO reports that suicide is now the second leading cause of death among 15–29-year-olds, globally.

We can bury each other in statistics about how serious the ­mental health crisis has become, and at the same time boast about how much progress has been made developing effective treatments.  But there is no debating that our children are not statistics, nor will we be able to treat our way out of this crisis. For us, prevention is treatment.  

The FLUO Foundation is self-governed and sustained by donors who believe we must address and educate about the primary source of the decline in mental health, that the damage and disability in the lives of our youth is preventable, and that we are the right community to offer a support system that nurtures and offers an inclusive environment free of judgment and rich in acceptance. Our minds matter. Our well-being matters. It’s time to take action.

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Join Us

Thank you for helping us inspire our youth to feel alive. Collectively, we are building a Foundation for their future. 

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Our Emblem

The emblem of the FLUO Foundation visually crystallizes our unified commitment to the growth, guidance, community, love, and power of transformation that is possible.

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These are the symbols of the Emblem.

Purposeful Path
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A labyrinth is a symbol of a purposeful path. In our lives we make many journeys to that which is within and return into the world with a broadened understanding of Who-We-Are. We are all on our own paths, exactly where we need to be.

Eternal Growth
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A circle has no beginning and no end, just like the Divine Life-Force or Spirit that keeps our reality in motion. From death to birth, we are in a constant rotation through which we evolve. This circle is our cycle of growth, always reminding us of our connection, unity, oneness, and the love that protects us all.

Journey Together
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A compass can bring a lot of motivation to someone feeling lost. It instills a sense of hope and inspiration to our youth that they can always find their true north. When moving into the next chapter in our lives, we often discover things are way outside our comfort zone. And with a little guidance, even into unfamiliar territory, our journey together becomes safer and more assured.

Flow of Creation
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Like the yin-yang symbol, the motion of our emblem is spiraling like a vortex, representing the fusion and flow of dynamic opposites. Always balanced and in harmony.

A vortex is nature’s most efficient deployer of energy and most favored pattern of growth. From micro to macro, it influences, protects, and supports life. This balance of Energy spirals all around us and within us, patterning our very existence. A reminder that life is always in a state of flux presenting opportunities to re-awaken, to discover, to grow and transform.

Double Helix
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Flipped to face each other, the two F’s of the “FLUO Foundation” remind us of the vortex-like double helix structure of our DNA––a symbol of the transpersonal nature of FLUO.

From tiny vortices of sub-atomic particles to the spiraling “islands” of universes and galaxies, the very flow of energy that creates worlds is not only inside us, but all around us.  We remember that the very conditions for creation and the power to our transformation lies within us and connects us.